Mingara is proud to support and welcome RaceRunning to the Mingara Regional Athletics Track from Thursday 25 November.

RaceRunning allows people of all abilities the opportunity to participate in running. Mingara is proud to have donated $5,000 to purchase a brand new RaceRunning frame for the RaceRunning club to start the season. Frames will be available for people to try at the come & try days.

What is Frame Running?

Frame Running, also known as RaceRunning, is a liberating sport and is available to people with impaired balance, be that cerebral palsy, brain injury, high leg amputations, arthritis, Parkinson’s and many other balance impairments.

Frame Running provides these future athletes the ability to move by themselves. With a Running Frame even people with heavy disabilities will experience the fun, freedom and excitement of running. Frame running is a World Para-athletics event with track classifications available.

RaceRunning Frames are used by people of all ages (4-74) for recreation and sport at a variety of levels including schools, athletics clubs, therapy groups, social events and fun runs.

Despite considerable physical challenges, most users are able to use the Running Frame to propel themselves considerably faster than they can unassisted.

The low centre of gravity and frame design offers good stability and poise whilst running or walking. The saddle unit counter-acts lateral sway and also can be used as a seat when resting.

What, When and Where?

You are invited to join us for 10 fun training/come & try sessions!

WHAT: Come & Try Days/ Beginner Training

WHEN: Every Thursday 5-6:30PM 25 Nov 2021 – 17 Feb 2022 (Includes a break between 17 Dec->12 Jan)

WHERE: Mingara Athletics Track, Mingara Drive, Tumbi Umbi, NSW,2261.

What to wear?

To have the best experience in running, please bring along a well-fitting secure cycling helmet, t-shirt, warm top, sneakers, padded cycling shorts, sunscreen and a full water bottle. More information: https://www.racerunning.org.au/about/what-gear-do-you-need/

How to access the venue?

Mingara track is very accessible with several disability parking and lots of parking bays. Access is from Wyong Rd by car, bike, frame or foot. Please enter the Athletic Track by the main gate and COVID check into the venue scanning the QR-Code.

Where to register?

To register online visit: https://racerunning.org.au/events/119472


For further enquiries, please contact admin@racerunning.org.au