Happy 10 Years to the Mingara One Fitness Family

Ten years ago, the vision of Mingara Leisure Group and Mingara One Fitness took off, with the grand opening of the magnificent fitness facility we all know and love. The planning and construction of the multimillion-dollar project were over two years in the making and the excitement surrounding its completion saw our membership increase from less than 1700 to more than 4000 nearly overnight. Within twelve short months our creation was crowned best big gym in Australia and today we remain an icon within our local community.

Such success can be attributed to three vital ingredients;

Our facility

On Wednesday 15th of October 2008, our foundation members were welcomed into an open plan weights floor, state of the art cardio theatre, a spacious group fitness studio, dedicated cycle studio and peaceful mind and body studio. Together they provided the most perfect canvas for our community to enjoy. The facility itself has evolved over time, with regular refurbishments and modernising of our studios and gym floor, the creation of additional training spaces such as Studio 4 and new and exciting fitness equipment in the gym, in the pool and on the track.
Mingra One Fitness opening day image

Our team

Another vital component of our success is our motivated, energetic and passionate team of trainers, instructors, reception, membership advisors, administration staff, cleaners, maintenance staff and management (of both the gym and the Mingara Leisure Group). While the faces have changed over the last decade, the teams desire to help you have remained constant. The vision of those involved at the start has been carried on with energy and passion by those who have joined us over the years and continues to flow through every level of our team today.

Our members

While it’s nice to have a beautiful gym and a fantastic team, it is our members and patrons – who are the true making of Mingara One Fitness. Hundreds of you have been with us from the very start, while many more have joined the ride along the way. Some of you have come and gone and returned again. You come from all backgrounds, in all ages, shapes and sizes. Most importantly you all represent the very best in our society. No matter your age or ability, your title or your status, you are an inspiration to your friends and your family, your neighbours and your colleagues.

How so?

You prioritise and value living a healthy, active and fun lifestyle. You enjoy the mental, physical and social benefits that come from such a lifestyle choice and you are walking, talking role models to all of those around you – which in this crazy modern world we live in – is crucial to the health of our community.
We’re so glad you chose to live that choice among OUR community… YOUR community!
Thank you all and happy 10 years Mingara One Fitness!

Not a member and would love to join the best gym on the Central Coast?

With a fitness membership at Mingara One Fitness, you’re not just joining the gym near you, you’re becoming part of our community. Your gym membership includes a choice of over 170 fitness classes per week, great trainers and access to all five studios, as well as the pool. No matter your age or ability, we’ll inspire your love of fitness. Joining is easy.
CLICK HERE to Join Now!

Check out our photo gallery from our celebration dinner.