Pregnant or looking to become pregnant?

Are you pregnant or thinking about having a baby? Would you like more physical and emotional support during this time? Are you suffering from morning sickness or pain? Or are you at the end of your pregnancy and would like to get your body ready for childbirth?

Meet Aimee

Aimee Vella has been supporting women for over 13 years during pregnancy and planning for conception. She uses the ancient techniques of Chinese medicine with the addition of more modern methods of medicine and testing. The integration of these two practices offers the patient a holistic view of their mind, body and spirit bringing about a more relaxed patient with a feeling of more control over their health.

Support during pregnancy

Falling pregnant can be a difficult and stressful time for both partners, so it’s important to get emotional as well as physical support during this time. Aimee takes the time out to listen to all your concerns and takes a comprehensive history including signs, symptoms, diet and lifestyle. Aimee can then judge if further testing will be required or make a treatment plan which may include further nutritional, herbal or emotional support.

Be prepared

Aimee can also provide support for pregnancy with treatments for morning sickness, lethargy, anxiety, stress, delayed labour and pain throughout your pregnancy bringing about a more enjoyable experience, thus being prepared for the best birth possible and a more relaxed baby and mum.

Book an appointment today

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment please phone 6S Physio 4388 9944 or email Aimee at [email protected]