Monday Bingo is NOW Monday Hoi

Hoi is played Mondays at Mingara! The ONLY place on the Central Coast to play electronic Hoi!

Hoi is a Bingo based game which uses playing cards instead of numbers.  If you love Bingo, you’ll really love Hoi.

Get the mind in action! We’ll call out the cards and it’s your job to mark them off! One by one, you’ll be closer to a win!  Once you’ve marked off all the cards, you’ll have a full house and we’ll be ready to hear you yell out “Hoi!”

This game, much like Bingo, has been around for years, but not electronically and you can now play it at Mingara!

We will play 25 x full games with opportunity to win 2500 club points per game

Prices from 13 February:

$5 to play a book

$10 to play 2 books on a PET

$15 to play 4 books on a PET

$25.00 to play a full PET

Doors open: 9.30am. Hoi starts 10.30am.