
You can now login to your member portal to schedule your aquatics timetables, check your payments and re-schedule your aquatics classes

Mingara Aquatics Squad Training program has been designed to develop competent swimming skills, technique and fitness.

Squad swimmers will also develop build experience through competition.

The primary focus is on improving fitness, perfecting technique and providing a fun, supportive environment and experience for both recreational and competitive swimmers.

Starting squad swimming

Curious about what happens when you join a swim squad?

Swimming for exercise is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health and body.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Swimming drills and sets
  • Strength and flexibility training
  • Improvement of your aerobic conditioning, endurance and speed.

Our very experienced and qualified coaches will provide expert tuition, a supportive environment and proven results.

Check out our programs and timetables below:

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